- Adventures of the S-Team
- American Comics Lego Archive (Japanese)
- Angry LEGO Nerd
- Bacalogue (Japanese)
- Biczzz (Portuguese)
- The Big Toy Hut LEGO Blog
- Bill Ward's Brickpile
- Billund Gossip (Japanese)
- BioniBlog
- blackbulb creations
- blogbrickblog
- Blog de Brinquedo (Spanish)
- Books, Bones, Bricks, and Bullets
- Boris's Bricks
- A Boy and his Bricks
- Brick Bender
- Brick Heroes (French)
- Brick Player
- The Brick Time (German)
- Brick Town Talk
- Brick Wars
- BrickApe
- Brickgamers
- Brickley's Words
- BrickPOP
- Bricks in suit
- Bricks Up Your Life
- Bricks3D
- BricksABillion
- Brickspace
- The Brothers Brick
- Building Cities with LEGO (Japanese)
- CATpit construction
- Collective Creations
- ComicBricks
- Cooperman Brick Foundry
- CountBlockula
- Custom MiniFig
- Dan's Projects
- Dan's Toy Museum
- De biólogo a dibujante (Spanish)
- DeCoBo Log (Japanese)
- Dragonov Brick Works
- Duckingham Design
- Eisuke's Blog (Japanese)
- Empire of Steam
- Fascinating Lego Model of the Day
- FigBricks
- Ga-chan's Photo Album (Japanese)
- Geekdad
- Geeksugar
- Gimme Lego
- GodBricks
- HIRO's Factory Blog (Japanese)
- Hoth Bricks (French)
- How Many Studs to Legoland? (Japanese)
- I Like Cute LEGO (Japanese)
- IndyLUG Announcements
- J's Military Lego
- Jackie's mid life crisis gap year
- Jeff and Jeff's Pandemonium
- Johnny's Creation (Japanese)
- Jørgen Vig Knudstorp
- JumboBricks
- Klocki (English or Polish)
- Kockice
- a LEGO a Day
- LEGO BloG (Japanese)
- LEGO Blogsite
- Lego Brasil (Portuguese)
- LEGO DOU (Japanese)
- Lego Castles
- Lego Diem
- LEGO in Tiger's Mind at Night (Chinese)
- LEGO Martial Arts Heroes (Chinese)
- Lego Plus (Japanese)
- Lego Star Wars Club
- The LEGO System (Japanese)
- Legobloggen (Swedish)
- LegOficina dos Baixinhos (Portuguese)
- Legoorci Creations (German)
- Ligando Ladrillos (Spanish)
- The Living Brick
- LUGNuts
- Lwelyk's Legos
- Make
- The Master of Idleness (Japanese)
- MicroBricks
- Mike Walsh's LEGO Blog
- Mini Adventures
- MinilandBricks
- Mint in Box
- Model Building Secrets
- Mr Brick
- Neo Classic Space
- The NXT Step
- nxtasy.org
- Octopi-Press
- onetwobrick
- Partially Obvious
- Piece of Peace (Japanese)
- Pimping the Unpimped
- Pootling
- Primitive Screwheads
- Rare LEGOs
- Reasonably Clever
- reMOCable
- RichardAM
- Robotica recreativa y educativa (Spanish)
- Sariel
- Scaled-up LEGO Bricks
- Sean's LEGO Blog
- Star Wars LEGO Collectibles
- Steve
- Tabletown Diary
- TechnicBRICKs
- Teen Fans of LEGO
- A Thousand Points of Articulation
- Too Much Caffeine
- Toy Bender
- Toys in the Attic (Japanese)
- The Travels of Johnny Thunder
- The Uber Review
- VignetteBricks
- The Way of the Brick
- World of Caldera (German)
- Young Spacers Association Blog
- YFOL e (Polish)
Active LEGO blogs
These are blogs that are currently active (or, at least, were so over a year ago when I did my last massive update). I realize that my bloglists are woefully out of date. There are many new blogs to be added to the active list, some in the active list have become inactive, some people have revived their inactive blogs, and some links on this list will give you file not found errors. Someday (hah!) I'll go through and do a massive update. Of course, about five seconds after I do so the list will be out of date again.